All materials on the Evoke Mind site, including images, text, and video are protected by the Australian Copyright Act 1968.
Evoke Mind accepts that in accessing these pages:
- You may retrieve our material for information only.
- You may save or download a local copy for personal use only.
- You may send it to your printer for personal use only.
- Our programs are to only be used by the person with permission to access it and are not to be shared or distributed in any form to any other parties. Permission to access our program is granted when it has been purchased and login credentials awarded.
- Any commercial exploitation is expressly prohibited.
- You must clearly acknowledge the source by including the copyright notice in any copy you make.
- You may not make any modification to the material without the express permission of Evoke Mind.
Note that there is no general right for users of copyright material to make digital copies of copyright material. If you wish to reproduce copyright material for republishing, specific permission will need to be sought from the copyright owner.